Tuesday, 26 February 2008

Back in Kenya...

I arrived back in Kenya last Friday, 22nd February. It was a great feeling when the plane touched down in Nairobi. I've had a busy time since...

Saturday I attended a Sunshine wedding! Mark, a former Sunshine boy who is now living in his own home and supporting himself, married Naomi. It was a small and idyllic wedding which was also attended by Martin and Mary Print, of Footsteps International, the charity that Mission Care International has the privilege of supporting as they run the Sunshine Rehabilitation Centre. It was wonderful to join with Martin and Mary as they watched the ceremony, seeing somebody in whom they have invested taking further strides to independence and beginning his own family. It was an amazing occasion, and one that I was privileged to be a part of.

Sunday I watched the Sunshine Boys play football against another local orphanage. They lost 4-0 and we were completely gutted! I did have some great news though, as my car arrived from Mombasa. The car was shipped out in December, but due to the recent troubles took a lot longer to arrive than we had expected. It is great to have my own wheels and be able to get around. I will be spending a lot of time in the car when I drive to visit our project in Uganda, so it was a relief to know that it is finally here.

Monday I began working with the Fuhomi Project, which is one of Mission Care International's newest partnership projects. The Fuhomi Project is working with four girls who have finished secondary school but who have struggled to find employment or places for further education, which are really limited. Fuhomi facilitates a dedicated gap year programme, providing accommodation and full training for the girls, who will then go into local schools to teach personal and social education to 13-15 year olds. Topics covered will include issues affecting young people in Naivahsa: sexuality, HIV/AIDS, stress management, career choices, how to handle conflict, and more. I will be teaching the girls drama, media and film to help them prepare their workshop sessions for the schools. We began with drama and it was a really good day. The girls have such a positive message to share and it is great to be involved as they learn effective ways of communicating through performance.

I am now due to join with Martin and Mary and drive to Mombasa to visit the projects in there, which I am really looking forward to.

Friday, 15 February 2008

Going back...

I am pleased to say that the situation in Kenya has improved considerably. This means that I am able to return to Naivasha on Wednesday, 20th February.

I am looking forward to getting back to working with the Sunshine Boys and helping with the development of one for our new partnership projects, Fuhomi. Come back next week to hear all the latest news...

Friday, 1 February 2008

An invitation...

I spent time yesterday talking to journalists from the News Shopper and Bromley Extra about my experiences in Naivasha last weekend. Look out for my stories in the editions of each paper next week.

If you would like to hear me sharing about the situation in Kenya and the plans that Mission Care have to support those in rebuilding their devastated communities, please do consider joining us for a special evening on Saturday 9th February, from 7pm at St Mark's Church, Westmoreland Road, Bromley. We will be showing DVDs of different Mission Care International projects and will enjoy some musical entertainment.

Maybe I will see you there!